Sion Lloyd

Saer Coed ac Asiedydd, Gosod UPVC a thrwsio
Carpenter & Joiner, UPVC Installation & repair

Croeso mawr i chi i’m gwefan newydd.

Fy enw yw Sion Lloyd ac rwy’n saer coed, asiedydd, gosodwr UPCV a thrwsiwr.

Rwy’n byw yn lleol i Gaernarfon ac yn gorchuddio ardal eang yn fy ngwaith.

Cefais fy addysg yn Ysgol Glan-y-Môr Pwllheli cyn cwblhau lefel 3 NVQ mewn saer coed/asiedwaith yng Ngholeg Meirion Dwyfor yn Nolgellau.

“Mae gen i angerdd llwyr at fy ngwaith a fy nghleientiaid, ac rwy'n ymdrechu i sicrhau bod y gwaith rwy'n ei gynhyrchu pob tro o'r ansawdd a safon gorau posibl” - Sion Lloyd


A warm welcome to my new website.

My name is Sion Lloyd and I am a carpenter, joiner, UPVC installer and repairer.

I live locally to Caernarfon and cover a wide area with my work.

I received my education at Glan-y-Mor Secondary school in Pwllheli before completing my NVQ level 3 in carpentry and joinery at the Meirion Dwyfor College in Dolgellau.

“I have an absolute passion for my work and my clients, and strive to ensure that the work I produce is always of the highest quality possible” - Sion Lloyd.

Dyma gôd QR sydd yn mynd a chi i’m gwefan pan yn ei sganio ar ffôn symudol, tabled neu arall. Plis teimlwch yn rhydd i’w rannu.

Below is the QR code that will take you to my website when scanned on a mobile phone, tablet or other. Please feel free to share.

Cliciwch ar y lluniau isod unigol i weld mwy / Click on the individual photos below for more details

  • Byrddau picnic coed / Wooden picnic tables

  • Giatiau coed / Wooden gates

  • Drysau UPVC / UPVC Doors - Copy

  • Ffenestri UPVC / UPVC Windows

  • Gwaith coed ar gerbydau hanesyddol / Wood work on historic vehicles

  • Wâl goncrit rhandir / Concrete raised bed allotment wall

  • Caping corn simdde / Chimney capping

  • Caeadau ffenestr wal / Wall window shutters

  • Ffensio coed / Wooden fencing

Yn ystod y blynyddoedd diwethaf rwyf hefyd wedi cefnogi adfer cerbyd hanesyddol wedi’i gadw i adnewyddu gwaith coed cyffredinol y cerbyd gan gynnwys tynnu ac ailosod paneli. Gweler isod am fanylion. Mwy i ddod dros yr wythnosau nesaf. In recent years I’ve also supported the restoration of a preserved historic vehicle in renewing the vehicle’s all round woodwork including the removal and reinstatement of panels. See below for details. More to come in the coming weeks.

Ail adeiladu loceri / Rebuilding lockers

Ail adeiladu loceri / Rebuilding lockers

Dysgu Mwy / Learn More
Ail adeiladu loceri / Rebuilding lockers

Ail adeiladu loceri / Rebuilding lockers

Dysgu Mwy / Learn More
Coed a phaneli - Diwrnod 1 / Woodwork and panels - Day 1

Coed a phaneli - Diwrnod 1 / Woodwork and panels - Day 1

Dysgu Mwy / Learn More
Coed a phaneli - Diwrnod 2 / Woodwork and panels - Day 2

Coed a phaneli - Diwrnod 2 / Woodwork and panels - Day 2

Dysgu Mwy / Learn More
Coed a phaneli - Diwrnod 3 / Woodwork and panels - Day 3

Coed a phaneli - Diwrnod 3 / Woodwork and panels - Day 3

Dysgu Mwy / Learn More
Coed a phaneli - Diwrnod 4 / Woodwork and panels - Day 4

Coed a phaneli - Diwrnod 4 / Woodwork and panels - Day 4

Dysgu Mwy / Learn More
Coed a phaneli - Diwrnod 5 / Woodwork and panels - Day 5

Coed a phaneli - Diwrnod 5 / Woodwork and panels - Day 5

Dysgu Mwy / Learn More
Coed a phaneli - Diwrnod 6 / Woodwork and panels - Day 6

Coed a phaneli - Diwrnod 6 / Woodwork and panels - Day 6

Dysgu Mwy / Learn More
Coed a phaneli - Diwrnod 7 / Woodwork and panels - Day 7

Coed a phaneli - Diwrnod 7 / Woodwork and panels - Day 7

Dysgu Mwy / Learn More

Gallwch gysylltu gyda mi dros y ffôn neu e-bost i drafod eich anghenion a gofynion.

Mae fy manylion cyswllt isod.


Getting in touch

You can contact me by phone or via e-mail to discuss your needs and requirements.

My contact details are below.

Dyma gôd QR sydd yn mynd a chi i’m gwefan pan yn ei sganio ar ffôn symudol, tabled neu arall. Plis teimlwch yn rhydd i’w rannu.

Below is the QR code that will take you to my website when scanned on a mobile phone, tablet or other. Please feel free to share.